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Celeste Arista Glover

Community Philanthropy, Director
Contact Information
Favorite quote
"The greatest gift you ever give is your honest self."
— Mr. Rogers
Favorite Aspect of CFT
"Listening and learning from incredibly thoughtful coworkers and nonprofit partners."
Joined CFT

As director of community philanthropy, Celeste focuses on connecting North Texas nonprofits with opportunities for funding, capacity-building and collaboration. She leads grantmaking opportunities and supports community engagement efforts. Her work includes learning from nonprofit and community leaders to help guide CFT’s grantmaking portfolios. She is passionate about work that builds new relationships and amplifies the voices in community.

Prior to joining CFT in 2017, Celeste was a senior program associate at the Meadows Foundation. Celeste is from Oak Cliff and attended Dallas College. She received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas at Austin and a master’s in community development and planning from Clark University. After graduation, Celeste served as a Peace Corps volunteer teacher in Uganda and as a classroom teacher. She and her husband have two little ones and are re-learning life through their eyes.


Celeste serves on the Dallas Truth Racial Healing and Transformation board. She serves on Housing Forward’s All Neighbors Coalition board and is a member of the Dallas Area Partnership to End and Prevent Homelessness.

Additionally, Celeste is an alumni council member of the Student Conservation Association and is on the Board of Advocates for Baylor University’s Garland School of Social Work.

Celeste’s Favorites
Local Restaurant
Tia Dora’s Bakery, Casa Linda Salvadoran Cuisine, Kalachandji’s
Place to take out-of-towners
White Rock Lake, Trinity River Audubon Center
Taking hikes around Dallas (in the sub-100 temps), learning how to cook, reading and relaxing with family

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