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  • Founded in 1998, Echo Theatre is a Dallas, Texas-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit theater company. They produce the works of women+ in order to promote gender parity in play selection and production. Echo traditionally performs at the City of Dallas’ Bath House Cultural Center in White Rock Lake Park, and will return to the venue when it is safe to gather again. They have adapted to new production methods and safety-first viewing needs of their audience in this time of change.

    If you are interested in serving on this board, please contact Kateri Cale at kateriandbob@sbcglobal.net

  • Echo’s board of directors is a small, diverse group; comprised of artists, arts boosters and business people. They believe that their different backgrounds create a savvier group to guide the organization. They welcome anyone who is a theater lover, gender and cultural diversity advocate, knowledgeable of financials for nonprofits, gragarious, feminist, Dallas Boosters, and new members. They believe in creating exciting art that results in excellent programming with a positive impact.

  • Their board dues pre-COVID were $2,500 a year and could be Give or Get. Since COVID, they have changed that amount to: Board Members are expected to make a yearly donation that is significant to them.

    They don’t want to exclude anyone who may not be able to donate a fixed amount. Because of our small size, all members are expected to actively serve on a committee, purchase a season ticket and bring people to see our plays, and attend board meetings.

  • Board currently meets for 90-minutes monthly on Zoom; Board membership is a standard two-year term, with the option to extend board service. Service on a committee is expected.


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