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COVID-19 Resources for the Community

  • Disaster Relief,
  • nonprofits
COVID-19 Resources for the Community

Seeking financial assistance? Here are some organizations that can help.

Ver abajo para español. While we don’t provide financial assistance directly to individuals, we know of many nonprofit organizations who are able to provide financial assistance with rent, utility bills or other needs. Here is a list of some of those groups, including a link to the United Way of Metropolitan Dallas’ Rental Assistance Collaborative, with 17 nonprofits committed to providing rent and bill assistance.  Please feel free to reach out if you need additional information.

The United Way of Metropolitan Dallas Rental Assistance Collaborative – Each of the following 17 partner nonprofits have requirements and applications. www.unitedwaydallas.org/rental-assistance/

Brother Bill’s Helping Hand

Catholic Charities of Greater Dallas

The Chocolate MINT Foundation


Gateway of Grace

Harmony CDC

Housing Crisis Center

Metrocrest Services

The Salvation Army

Services of Hope

Sharing Life

Stop TX Eviction

TurnAround Agenda

Wilkinson Center

There are also organizations who are helping qualified area residents, including immigrants, with financial assistance:

The Concilio

Rosa es Rojo

Children’s Food Ministry

Workers Defense Project

Please feel free to connect with us if you have any more questions!

En Español

Aunque solo podemos dar dinero a organizaciones sin fines de lucro, conocemos organizaciones quien pueden ayudarte. Aquí hay una lista de algunas organizaciones quien están dando asistencia financiera:

The United Way of Metropolitan Dallas Rental Assistance Collaborative – Cada una de las siguientes 17 organizaciones sin fines de lucro tiene requisitos y aplicaciones. https://unitedwaydallas.org/asistencia-alquiler/

Brother Bill’s Helping Hand

Catholic Charities of Greater Dallas

The Chocolate MINT Foundation


Gateway of Grace

Harmony CDC

Housing Crisis Center

Metrocrest Services

The Salvation Army

Services of Hope

Sharing Life

Stop TX Eviction

TurnAround Agenda

Wilkinson Center

También hay organizaciones que brindan asistencia financiera específicamente para inmigrantes y refugiados:

The Concilio

Rosa es Rojo

Children’s Food Ministry

Workers Defense Project

¡No dude en comunicarse con nosotros si tiene más preguntas!

Celeste Arista Glover
Celeste Arista Glover
Community Philanthropy, Director

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