TRAC is the North Texas community safety net for young people, ages 14-24, who are transitioning from substitute/foster care toward self-sufficiency, with individualized support, planning and access to community services.
Children who were abused and neglected by the very parents who should have protected them, who were removed from their homes through no fault of their own, who remain in foster care for years and were never able to find a stable forever home. These are the vulnerable teens and young adults who find themselves on the doorstep of TRAC, looking for solace and assistance in finding their way to adulthood.
- Created in 2003 by collaboration of 40+ organizations
- Serves 1200 ‘opportunity youth’ annually
- Has operated under Central Dallas Ministries and CitySquare for 20 years
- Is moving to be an Independent TRAC
Won’t you support our journey to help N. Texas’ most vulnerable youth?
Please let us know in the comments if you would like for your gift to support any of the below:
- Jerry Sullivan Memorial Fund for special needs
- TRAC Independence Campaign
- Annual Operating